Rent regulation policies vary widely across the United States. What do we know about their effects on rental markets, tenants, and property owners? Do differences in the policies’ design matter? Urban Land Institute Minnesota and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis are partnering with experts from across the housing sector to present a four-part, virtual event series featuring research-based, evidence-driven conversation on rent regulation. We invite you to join us as we discuss these important questions.
Our second session will provide a deeper dive into the rental market implications of rent stabilization policy choices. How do different segments of the housing market respond to price controls? What factors go into setting and indexing a controlled rent rate? Who benefits from rent stabilization policies? How does the design of rent stabilization policies influence housing supply and local markets?
David Garcia, Policy Director, Terner Center for Housing Innovation, University of California Berkeley
Jackelyn Hwang, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Stanford University
Michael Wilkerson, Senior Economist and Director of Analytics, ECONorthwest
Moderator: Stephanie Brown, Executive Director, Urban Land Institute Minnesota