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Small Business Resilience Forum: Understanding Commercial Property Insurance

March 25 @ 8:00 am 12:00 pm CDT

Small business owner checking emails while drinking a cup of coffee

This forum for Texas small businesses will help them prepare for, respond to and recover from natural disasters and other unpredictable events. The program will highlight findings from focus groups across the state and share tools and resources for understanding and managing commercial property insurance policies. There will also be a demonstration of BeforeDuringAfter, a free online resiliency hub for small businesses in Texas. Hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, BeforeDuringAfter, TEXSAR and Texas Mutual.



8:00 am CT

Check-in Breakfast Networking

9:00 am CT


9:05 am CT

Opening Remarks

9:15 am CT

Key Findings from Texas Small Businesses

9:45 am CT

Business Owner Story

10:15 am CT

Understanding Commercial Property Insurance Panel

11:15 am CT

BeforeDuringAfter Demonstration

11:30 am CT

Open Discussion/Q&A

11:55 am CT

Closing Remarks

12:00 pm CT


1900 Rio Grande Stree
Austin, Texas 78705 United States
+ Google Map
(512) 495-1800
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