Data on anchor institutions help inform decisions at local, regional, and state levels
From job training to procurement to business development, state-level measures of anchor institutions are helping to advance conversations, support collaboration, and drive economic growth.
Despite low pay and long hours, child care is a business many still want to enter. Why?
Many new child care providers are entering the profession for reasons other than money. A recent survey by the Minneapolis Fed examines the variety of motivations attracting people to the industry.
How the Fed goes beyond the data to try to make the economy work for everyone
Utilizing qualitative data from various sources helps paint a comprehensive picture of economic well-being and guides policy discussions at the Federal Reserve. Amidst uncertainties, staying connected to the pulse of real-world experiences remains key.
Unveiling the effects of wildfire smoke on vulnerable communities
While the impacts of wildfire smoke are widespread, not all communities share in them equally. This post explores the hidden economic impacts of wildfire smoke, with new data on how it hits low-income communities hardest.
Worker Voices Special Brief: Self-Employment, Dreams Versus Reality
Worker Voices participants described weighing the tradeoffs of self-employment from the independence it gave to its income generation potential. This research found that participants were pushed or pulled into self-employment for a variety of factors and their experiences did not align with their expectations of this work.
Supporting women and work-life balance in today’s economy
Explore the real stories of four women striving for work-life balance, as revealed through the Aspen Institute’s Women in the Economy survey. They share their ideas about how the economy might work better for women.
Worker Voices Special Brief: Pursuing Advancement through Personal Investment
Worker Voices participants described their persistence in taking steps to improve their employment outcomes. They pursued skill-building opportunities and were more willing to leave lower-quality jobs, sometimes to pursue self-employment instead. However, their efforts were met with mixed results.
Worker Voices Special Brief: Barriers to Employment
Worker Voices participants described the challenges facing individuals without a four-year degree as they navigated the job market during a global pandemic. Common barriers to work included an evolving labor market, individual attributes, work-family conflicts, and concerns regarding individual well-being.
‘We’re looking for a place where we belong’: What we learned from talking to workers
As we think of ways to build the strong economy of tomorrow, we cannot afford to leave workers without a four-year degree, and their enormous potential, on the sidelines. “I […]
A conversation on Skills Through Alternative Routes (STARs)
The labor market has transformed since the previous Uneven Outcomes conference. In this interview, we catch up with Papia Debroy who shares more on the concept of “Skills Through Alternative Routes.”