Affording homeownership now is hard for many. These approaches may help.
In this explainer, learn more about some of the factors recently complicating affordable US homeownership and discover how some communities and organizations are helping to extend affordable homeownership to more families.
The Quarterly Catch-up, Q4 2024
Check out the latest community development-related research, analyses, and articles from all 12 Federal Reserve Banks and the Board of Governors. This post captures content published between October 1 and December 31, 2024, on topics affecting marginalized communities.
Lower-income neighborhoods face greater flood risk, tougher recovery
Increasingly frequent and severe flooding can have devastating impacts on communities. The Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Cleveland, and Philadelphia examine flood risk in their regions and the implications for low-and-moderate income communities.
Built to fail? Contracts for deeds often sell a homeownership illusion
Contract for deed homeownership agreements can appeal to lower-priced home buyers who believe they are unable to qualify for or secure a mortgage. But CFDs often lack consumer protections and can cost unsuspecting buyers their home and their investment in it.
The Quarterly Catch-up, Q3 2024
Check out the latest community development-related research, analyses, and articles from all 12 Federal Reserve Banks and the Board of Governors. This post captures content published between July 1 and September 30, 2024, on topics affecting marginalized communities.
Manufacturing affordable homeownership, one unit at a time
Manufactured housing offers a uniquely affordable homeownership onramp at a time when aspiring buyers can’t afford pricier site-built homes. Even with perception and financing challenges to surmount, some are finding creative ways to extend this homeownership option to more buyers.
The quarterly catch-up, Q2 2024
Check out the latest community development-related research, analyses, and articles from all 12 Federal Reserve Banks and the Board of Governors. This post captures content published between April 1 and June 30, 2024, on topics affecting marginalized communities.
Why are Native homebuyers ending up with more expensive loans?
Financing manufactured homes can cost Native borrowers on reservations twice as much as off-reservation white borrowers. A risky type of loan fuels the cost gap.
Losing the family home, with ripples down the bloodline
Heirs’ property situations can strain family relationships and put billions of dollars of wealth at stake. Read one woman’s story and learn how she’s now working to help others preserve their family ties, homes, and financial stability.