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Understanding Access to Unemployment Insurance

April 9 @ 12:00 pm 1:00 pm CDT

A woman speaking using her hands to explain a concept.

What are applicants’ experiences with the unemployment insurance (UI) system? How are states innovating to better serve UI applicants while maintaining program integrity? Where are the biggest opportunities and challenges related to UI access?

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis researchers will address these questions with findings from data collected from state UI agencies across the country and focus groups with women who have experienced unemployment. Join us as we explore evidence on UI access with brief research presentations and a panel discussion among experts.



12:00–12:03 pm CT

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Speaker: Hue NguyenCommunity Development and Engagement, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

12:04–12:15 pm CT

Presentation: How Applicants Experience the UI System


  • Mary HoganCommunity Development and Engagement, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
  • Amalea JubaraCommunity Development and Engagement, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
  • Ayushi NarayanCommunity Development and Engagement, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

12:16–12:57 pm CT

Panel: Opportunities and Challenges for Making UI More Effective

Moderator: Ryan NunnCommunity Development and Engagement, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

  • Julia DaleCivilla
  • Jennifer PhillipsBeeck Center for Social Impact and Innovation, Georgetown University
  • Andrew StettnerThe Century Foundation
  • Beth TownsendIowa Workforce Development

12:58–1:00 pm CT

Closing Remarks and Thank You

Speaker: Ryan NunnCommunity Development and Engagement, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis