Racism and the Economy: Focus on Financial Services

Virtual Event

This is the 10th installment in our virtual event series, which examines the impact of structural racism on our economy and advances ideas to improve economic outcomes for all Americans. This session will examine structural racism […]

Increasing Black Homeownership in the Puget Sound Region

Virtual Event

Aligning interests and resources that focus on equity, infrastructure development, housing production and preservation, and underwriting and lending, could lead to increasing the Black homeownership rate. This is what compelled all the organizations involved in this initiative to build an impact network, develop a draft 7-point plan, and now engage CRA officers to help refine and implement the plan. Join us on November 17th for a conversation about how your institution can support this work.

Toward an Inclusive Recovery: Increasing the Housing Security of Vulnerable Renters Through Rental Assistance

Virtual Event

The United States has always had vulnerabilities in the rental housing market that the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated and revealed. Join us on November 17, 2021, for a research seminar that will examine what we’ve learned from the administration of emergency rental relief and evaluate universal vouchers as a long-term solution for increasing housing security among renters.

An Economy That Works for All: Fostering Low-Income Homeownership

Virtual Event

The event will feature presentations by researchers at Federal Reserve Banks on disparities across income and ethnicity in home ownership, as well as the latest research on mortgage forbearance, refinancing, and mortgage prepayment.

Fed Listens 2021: Pandemic Recovery and the Role of Care Work

Virtual Event

Access to child care and other forms of care is critical to people’s ability to participate in the workforce, but too often, it is not available or affordable to match the need. Join the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco on November 18 for a Fed Listens event focused on the role of care in supporting labor force participation and the economic recovery from COVID-19.

Combating Food Insecurity: What’s Working – and What’s Scalable?

Virtual Event

This event hosted by the New York Fed will feature leaders, from all sectors of the food system, who are investing in and deploying market-based solutions and interventions to help ensure that everyone has access to healthy and affordable food, one of the most critical determinants of health.

2021 Rural Policy Summit: Economic Transitions

Virtual Event

The next session of the 2021 Rural Policy Summit will be held on December 8. This session will be a roundtable discussion on how nonprofit organizations and foundations have supported rural regions in adapting to and engaging in economic transitions.

Center for Indian Country Development Research Summit

Virtual Event

As part of its mission to support tribal economic prosperity, Center for Indian Country Development (CICD) at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis conducts and supports policy-relevant research on key questions that matter for Indian Country. We invite you to join us on December 9–10 for an open discussion of these questions at CICD’s first annual research summit.

2021 Rural Policy Summit: Agriculture

Virtual Event

The sixth and final session of the 2021 Rural Policy Summit will be held on January 14, 2022. This session will be a roundtable discussion on Pennsylvania’s agriculture industry and policies that can help support our farmers and agricultural producers and processors in the coming years.

Conversations on Equity

Virtual Event

Conversations on Equity is a speaker series featuring national thought leaders working to build awareness of obstacles to economic equity. On Feb. 2, join Bill Rodgers, director of the St. Louis Fed’s Institute for Economic Equity, for a conversation with Liz Shuler, president of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).

Teaching Economics in Changing Times: The Future of Work

Virtual Event

This free virtual event will provide you with information and resources about changes in the workplace and the implications for students as they prepare for the labor force. A related resource guide and certificate of participation will be provided to attendees following the event.  

District Dialogues: Human Capital Decisions and the Future of Work

Virtual Event

Decisions about education and training are complicated, especially given the uncertainty in the labor market. On February 8, join the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond to explore how the future of work is changing human capital decisions and what skills will be needed in the economy of tomorrow.

Entrepreneurship as Rural Development: Investing in a Vibrant Local Economy

Virtual Event

Investing in entrepreneurs represents the best chance for rural economies to thrive in the future. Join the Federal Reserve Board of Governors for this conversation about the challenges and opportunities facing rural entrepreneurs and the organizations that assist them.