Economic Development
Community perspectives and conditions from the Fed’s Beige Book, March 2023
Here’s what nonprofit and community leaders, and workforce professionals serving lower-income people, shared with the Federal Reserve for the Beige Book.
[Watch] Adapting to COVID-19: Impacts on Lower-Income Communities and Organizations Serving Them in 2022
How can organizations use the Fed’s 2022 National COVID-19 Community Impact Survey data to advocate for themselves and those they serve? In this webinar, experts share their tips. Watch or listen on demand.
Community perspectives and conditions from the Fed’s Beige Book, January 2023
Here’s what nonprofit and community leaders, and workforce professionals serving lower-income people, shared with the Federal Reserve for the Beige Book.
Serving communities in a recovering economy
From housing support to mental health interventions, nonprofit organizations are playing a major role in mitigating economic uncertainty brought on by the pandemic.
How your insights help us at the Federal Reserve
Every once in a while, the Fed may invite you to answer a survey, join a roundtable, or be part of a focus group. Here’s why we’re knocking at your door—and why you should answer.
[Watch] Putting the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) to Work in Your Community
How can banks and nonprofits effectively partner to fund CRA-eligible programs and projects? In this webinar, nonprofit leaders and bankers share their tips. Watch on demand.
Don’t drink the water? Challenges and rewards of replacing lead service lines
Regular exposure to even small amounts of lead endangers health, yet millions of lead service lines supply drinking water to homes, schools, and other facilities. Find out more about the lead service line issue and possible solutions.
Perspectives from Main Street: The impact of COVID-19 on communities and the entities serving them [2022]
This report offers findings of a survey designed to collect information on the effects of COVID-19 on low- to moderate-income people and communities and the entities serving them in 2022.
New efforts elevate community voices in assessments of economic conditions
The Federal Reserve Beige Book covers a variety of perspectives on economic matters Fed decisionmakers use to guide their monetary policy decisions. Here’s what you need to know about new sections that highlight conditions in low- and moderate-income communities.