Financing Education, Now and Into the Future

State and local governments play a critical role in funding and delivering K-12 education in the United States, but funding can vary from district to district, creating disparities that have been exacerbated by the pandemic.  Hear from economists, policy experts, and practitioners about how education finance has been impacted by the pandemic, the different types of […]

A Year of Crisis, and Now What? Where Our Main Streets Go from Here

Minority small-business owners and community lenders share their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The panel will discuss where they are now, what small businesses need going forward, and what’s at stake when small businesses in underserved areas—and the community development financial institutions and minority depository institutions that support them—struggle.

Envision Success, What’s Your Path?

Discover college, career, entrepreneurship and workforce skills resources. This session is for educators and supports your social studies, career or technical education, personal finance, or economics curriculum.

After High School

College enrollment is down. We’ll talk with administrators and educators at community colleges and four-year schools about keeping students engaged in education and helping them find the path to the workforce that’s best for them.

Connecting People to Jobs

Getting a degree or a certificate is one thing—getting a job is another, particularly given the uncertainty around where the labor market is headed. Educators and community and business leaders will share strategies to connect people to in-demand jobs.

Inclusive and Resilient Recovery: Household Financial Well-Being in the Southeast

What is household financial well-being? What is the relationship between income, expenses, and wealth-building? How has COVID-19 affected our ability to make ends meet? Join the Atlanta Fed to unpack what we mean by household financial well-being and how it is crucial to an inclusive and resilient recovery.

Connecting Communities: Exploring the Intersection of Health and Economic Equity

Differences in health outcomes exist across many factors, including economic status, education, race and ethnicity, and geography. In this Connecting Communities webinar, speakers will focus on the impact of COVID-19, historical and structural barriers to health equity, the relationship between health and economic equity, and practices to encourage equitable health.

Scaling Equitable Solar Finance: A Financial Innovations Roundtable Event

Solar industry stakeholders, project developers, and members of the financial sector will gather in a virtual discussion to identify how community financial institutions, such as credit unions, community banks and Community Development Financial Institutions can finance solar installations in low-income communities and communities of color.

Ask Us Anything: Labor Policy Reform for a Cohesive Workforce Development Sector

Join the Atlanta Fed for a conversation on the key components of workforce development system reform and how labor policy can be updated to meet the needs of our current economy and develop the workforce of the future. Speakers will discuss how labor policy can be evolved from a scattered set of approaches to a cohesive system that empowers workers and improves economic outcomes.