Investment Connection LIVE – Maryland & Greater Washington, D.C.

During this live virtual pitch session, organizations will present lending, investment and service opportunities available in Maryland and Greater Washington, D.C. Projects address small business and farm finance, affordable housing and racial equity.

Health-Care Workforce Pipelines, Apprenticeships, and Community Health Worker Models

This assembly will be an examination of rural workforce demand and supply, talent recruitment, a medical assistant apprenticeship model in Washington state, and community health worker models. Leaders and staff from health systems, clinics, workforce training and funding programs, and educational institutions are encouraged to register and participate in this learning and networking opportunity.

Racism and the Economy: Focus on Entrepreneurship

The sixth installment of the Racism and the Economy event series focuses on the impact of racism on entrepreneurs of color. The session will examine solutions that challenge persistent disparities and explore the potential for entrepreneurship to serve as one pathway to transform economic outcomes for communities of color and the broader economy.

Opportunity Occupations: Pathways to Success

Which jobs pay above the national median wage but don’t require a bachelor’s degree? Where can these jobs be found and how can students prepare for them? Learn more about opportunity occupations, workforce development and lessons and personal finance resources for your classroom in this ECONnections webinar.

Launch Event – Workforce Realigned: How New Partnerships Are Advancing Economic Mobility

Join Social Finance and the Atlanta and Philadelphia Feds for this national launch event of “Workforce Realigned: How New Partnerships Are Advancing Economic Mobility.” The event will explore the emergence of a new generation of cross-sectoral partnerships focused on better outcomes for workers. It will draw on examples from the recently released book (and beyond) and highlight efforts to build a better workforce system through shared accountability, aligned incentives, and a more careful and thoughtful allocation of financial risks across workers, employers, and governments.

Capital Quest: Connecting Capital to Communities

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Community Development team, in partnership with the U.S. Impact Investing Alliance, is hosting this virtual focused on the expanding pool of impact investing funders, how new sources of investment can strengthen the low- and moderate-income communities hardest hit by the pandemic, and the New York Fed’s plans to connect communities with funds.

Racial Equity Strategies: How Financial Institutions Can Effectively Support Minority-Owned Small Businesses

Small businesses are crucial to the nation’s economy and are important sources of employment and wealth building, particularly for minority communities. How can the banking sector develop strategies that serve entrepreneurs of color and bolster local economies? Come gain insights into the performance of minority-owned businesses, the disparities they face, and how capital providers can better incorporate a racial equity lens to enhance lending.

Policy Summit 2021: Pathways to Economic Resilience in Our Communities

Policy Summit is a regional conference that explores solutions at the practitioner and policy levels to challenges that low- and moderate-income communities face. The biennial multi-day event offers its audience of researchers, academics, practitioners, and policymakers the latest research and best practices through presentations and real-world conversations.

Rural Community Action Assembly: Community Foundations, CDFIs, and Regional Revitalization

Speakers will present on revitalization models implemented in Kansas, Michigan, and other regions, giving attendees the opportunity to consider the implementation of these models in Pennsylvania. Leaders and staff from foundations, community development financial institutions (CDFIs), local and regional governments, economic development entities, and anchor institutions are encouraged to register and participate in this learning and networking opportunity.

Discussing Race and Inequality in the Classroom: COVID’s Impact on Economic Well-being

Industry experts and well-known researchers and economists will share their views on COVID-19’s impact on economic well-being, with a special emphasis on how the pandemic has affected minority communities. Teachers, students and professors are welcome to attend as we address income disparity, financial service inequity, generational wealth gaps, and more.

Investment Connection Application Training & Information Session

From July 5-30, the Richmond Fed’s Investment Connection application portal will be open to community-based and nonprofit organizations serving rural communities in regions served by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to attend this live application training and information session prior to applying.

Racism and the Economy: Focus on Criminal Justice

The seventh Racism and the Economy event explores how overrepresentation of people of color and Indigenous people in the criminal legal system compromises the performance of the overall economy.

Successful Strategies in Tribal Enterprise Diversification

This Minneapolis Fed Center for Indian Country Development (CICD) Policy webinar is focused on understanding and addressing the strategic business decisions, challenges, and opportunities tribal enterprises face in today’s economic landscape.

Ask Us Anything: The Cost of Inequality in the Labor Market

Join the Atlanta Fed for a conversation on how making economic systems more equitable encourages growth in state and national gross domestic product. The panel will discuss the benefits that closing the racial wage gap would have on economic growth for a community and the mobility for workers of color.

Rural Community Action Assembly: Equitable Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Tourism, and Seasonality

Speakers will present on economic development and small business models from outside the commonwealth, giving attendees the opportunity to consider the implementation of these models in Pennsylvania. Leaders and staff from foundations, community development financial institutions (CDFIs), local and regional governments, economic development entities, and anchor institutions are encouraged to register and participate in this learning and networking opportunity.

Inclusive and Resilient Recovery: Career Pathways to Household Financial Well-Being

Join the Atlanta Fed to learn how career advancement is tied to household financial well-being and the systemic barriers that can pose challenges to economic self-sufficiency. The webinar will highlight how employers, government, and nonprofits can work in alignment to make sure jobs create short-term economic resilience—and longer-term economic mobility—for workers in the Southeast.

Ask the Fed: Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL)- Scaled CECL Allowance for Losses Estimator (SCALE) Method

The Federal Reserve is releasing a new tool to help community banks implement the Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL) accounting standard. Known as the Scaled CECL Allowance for Losses Estimator, or “SCALE,” the spreadsheet-based tool draws on publicly available regulatory and industry data to aid community banks with assets of less than $1 billion in calculating their CECL allowances. Join Federal Reserve staff for an Ask the Fed webinar on the SCALE method for determining expected credit losses under CECL.

Addressing Climate Risk through Equitable Community Development

Join the San Francisco Fed for a virtual event on climate risk in the western United States. Participants will learn about the broad financial and economic impacts of climate change and explore how the community development field can take action to advance equitable climate adaptation and resilience.

Rural Policy Summit: A Profile of Rural Pennsylvania

The 2021 Rural Policy Summit is a virtual series that brings together a wide range of stakeholders, including policymakers, nonprofit leaders, academic researchers, industry professionals, and others interested in rural policy, to learn about and discuss major policy issues that will affect rural Pennsylvania over the next five to 10 years.