Toledo, Ohio has the nation’s highest share of opportunity employment. Our video series explores why.
You probably know someone like Jaime Pearson. She was a stay-at-home mom for years, but her family found it difficult to keep up with the mortgage, put food on the table, and pay the bills. They needed another income.
Like roughly two-thirds of U.S. working-age adults, Jaime does not have a bachelor’s degree. What she does have are many of the soft skills employers look for, and with those skills and job training provided by her employer, Jaime was able to secure a good-paying job.
We visited Jaime and her family in Toledo, Ohio, to hear her story. We also heard from economic and workforce development professionals about postsecondary training and job opportunities available to those without a bachelor’s degree.
Jaime’s story, like the story of Toledo’s approach to creating a productive workforce development ecosystem, is not unique. There are many workers like Jaime and many cities like Toledo.
Explore our research and tools to learn more.
Opportunity occupations (n.) jobs that pay a good wage without requiring a four-year college degree.